The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."
~Dan Rather
It is the most perfect saying I should say to my teachers. They are all of the greatest teachers whom can across in my life. They are not only the selfless giver but also the mentor of my life. At every step of my life, I come cross teachers who devote their entire life in the enlightenment of a student like me. For sure, teachers’ definition can’t be limited to a subject teacher because anyone who guides you in your life is a teacher. Many a times in life, I feel like thanking my teachers but I do not find a proper occasion. So this teachers’ day commemorate my teachers’ efforts and thank them for being the guiding light in my life.
“Teachers don't care, and they're boring me”. I don’t care what ever they say about teachers. It’s me who care. Honestly, if I was waking up at 6.00 in the morning to get to school, and learning out of a book while the teacher sat at the front of the room acting like they did not want to be there, I was going to sleep. I got very good grades in school and I was very motivated, but if I was sitting in a room for and hour and a half in one spot, working out of a book and not being engaged, my 'give a crap' level went down very significantly. And yes, it was very boring. VERY boring. Motivation level had nothing to do with it. I thought teachers need higher pay, or maybe just a break. But both students and teachers had to be in school, and if I was making the best of it, I expect the same from them. And sometimes I did not even get half, which is discouraging. There are good teachers and there are ones who shouldn't be teaching.Some are there to get a pay check, and some are there to fight the system to the end to help educate their students.
I had a few teachers who made it fun. Let us got up, walked around got blood flowing and did group discussion, while still learning. I got far better test grades and overall grades in those classes then in the classes where I always learned from a book and was taught by a teacher who seemed like they did not care. Some of them praised my efforts and hard work. They praised me when I got things right they told me when I did not get things right. She 'stacked beside me' when I hit a hard moment and she won't desert me until I got it right. They were very experienced. Not defensive or guilty, just a little confused about why people continue to bash away at teachers and then complain when they stand up for themselves.
Look, teachers teach six to seven or sometimes eight classes a day, 5 days a week. Sometimes it is just NOT FUN. Sorry, that people aren't entertained. Of course entertainers make much more money. The job of a teacher is to educate, throw in inspire, discipline, and parenting; now they want us to entertain. How about kids take a little bit of responsibility for their education.
Well, I have to say this. I am a teacher now. And I surely know what should I do and shouldn’t I do. I never realize what differences I made to so many lives, and to shrug it off when children will approach me and tell me I am always their favourite teacher. Some of them are at high school, and have told me of their fond memories they have of me and their time with me. I always take a quick glance back at the teachers I have had and always distinguishing the good from the bad from the ugly. The teachers that I remember are most often either the ones who were the best or the ones who were the worst. Luckily, I can learn from both. Yes, I as a teacher Will learn to take constructive criticism from someone who writes sentences with the word "I" lowercase.
You are the best Teacher in this world. Wherever I may go in my life, I will always remember that I had an excellent guide in the form of a teacher, you. You have been the mentor of my life. Though I did not realize it earlier. Now it feels great to have someone who guided me to the right track in life. Thank You Teacher for being a selfless giver but also the mentor. Without you, I would have been lost. Thank you teachers for guiding me, inspiring me a and making me “Teacher with Brain” what I am today.